use your mouse to shoot bad guys trying to destroy your precious color switcher!

press space to use your color switcher, it'll help you defeat enemies

just click to shoot evil guys, they gotta be a different color than your flashlight thing for it to work

If an enemy shoots, it'll give away it's position... :)

also your structure can take 10 hits before it's destroyed and you lose (which will happen eventually)

be warned, you will find yourself swarmed by bad guys after about maybe a minute

notes and credits

made in 7 (more like 5...) days for the 1 bit jam on itch

made on scratch ( for telling me about it, and helping with this stuff:

he made the music

he made/found most of the sound effects that I then changed

and he made the number counter thingy at the end because I wanted to focus on other stuff

oh and thanks to you for actually looking at this :)

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